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I have no idea who or what this Curski person's plans and intentions are for attempting to call out Komisari as some sort of Scam Artist.
It has been quiet a while for any playable updates for the game, however as others have stated Komisari has been very open with the community and allows us to see many peeks and the game plan

Yes people can argue that games in this software and style are a dime a dozen and that there is so much freeware and other items and what not available that you could easily put in a game like this..

But this isn't just a random cookie cutter game
Trust me I play a fuck ton of games like this when I get fucken bored
And this game has always remained in my mind because Komisari actually puts damn effort into the game.
Characters actually don't feel like simple damn Sterotypes and have some decent back story and progression.
characters don't just start off cold and after a few days are wanting to bang you right off the back like some other games do
you actually got to put the time and effort into building the relationships with these girls.
There are mini games like fishing 
hide and seek in a way
 and just other lil mini games and nice little editions that make this game feel fleshed out.
Characters aren't just hidden until needed they have day and night cycles and go around their day.
There is always enough content that if your out going around doing shit your going to be hitting up and running into new events often.
animation is decent and again it just overall goes out of it's way to prove it' not just another clone.

There have been many Patreon and other backer supported games that have come and gone, People have been in this buisness long enough to see crap and the rug being pulled out from under them.
1000 people seem to all agree that this isn't just scam.
They see enough content road maps and progress to valid another month with Komisari and I do too

And for those that want to say he's just flying by living a good life with 5K a month?
Obviously that's not taking into condieration what Patreon takes out
and the fact that he still has t opay BILLS, RENT
And if he has to do something that isn't in his field
Like do a script
Or construct art
or anything and he has to hire someone for a bit to do that
he has to PAY them. not to mention depending on where Komisari lives
That 5K could mean even less since anywhere in Europe Euroes are worth more then USD.
yes he could have a decent life with it but
he is still ver much using this time and money to better the game
Because think about it.
Komisari HAS TO if they want the money to keep coming in.
They no longer have a job this IS there job now and if they want to keep seeing those checks
Which AGAIN is MONTHLY. People tend to forget how literally fast you can go through money especially if your only give it once a whole damn month compared to 2-4 times a month
he needs to continue to provie to us so we can provide for him