On day 13 Paige tells you something before the laptop chat session.
- OK, this one worked for me
Paige tells you her PIN code on day 15.
- This one worked for me
She also notices a certain time during a flashback on that day.
- But this one didn't work for me. I found the scene where he's looking at his watch and she asks what it is in military time. So with your hint, it should've been obvious. But I've tried it every way I could think of (and I know military time), but it didn't work! (I tried 0410, 0411, 1610, and 1611. I also tried everything from 0410-1419 and 1610-1619 and none of them worked. It really should've been one of those. Any other hint?)
Someone gives you a specific rating in group chat on day 16.
- I haven't yet gotten to this point, so I can't say.