A little feedback for you.
First of all, I absolutely love this game. Great work.
It seems like characters don't rest in the stairs room when the player has the appropriate spell enabled. Their pathing will show them going to the stairs, but instead they'll walk back to the safe room. Even if you manually walk them to the stairs, they still walk back.
Recluse is triggered by self support skills. First aid specifically, but I suspect it extends to other skills.
I felt like the Chastity skill might have been a little overpowered. Masturbation is a pretty brutal status effect. You can't see it coming, there's no way to naturally recover, and if you've spread the girls out it's pretty much a guaranteed 100 lust corruption break. So it seems like 1 point for complete immunity is a little much.
Maybe Chastity could level, with a turn duration on masturbate, a higher resistance to the compulsion, or a reduction in lust gain.
As another suggestion. To make curse research matter a little more, perhaps there could be a choice between two or three at shrines? Just a thought.