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(2 edits) (+1)

nice game, honestly preferred it over soma union (edit: accidentally said soma spirits again woops). pixel art was mediocre, music wasn't that good (there are a few exceptions), but some boss fights were pretty fun and the story is pretty well done

also the worst endings are really good fangame material imo

(2 edits)

thought i'd go into more detail about the interesting things:
i think the joy boss for the box factory(i forgot the name) is way too hard, only boss i enabled easy mode for.
the sorrow boss for the sugar mines is so fun. absolutely exhilarating, never gets easy, and always keeping you on your toes. too bad it plays out like basically every other boss fight, because soma spirits is a strategy game where you've already figured out the strategy from the start (okay, maybe i'm just a natural at rpgs).

speaking of which, i think the game takes too long to make its main gimmick more interesting. for the first two worlds, heart and soul are exact copies of each other, and only diverge in the third world. 

the music. for some reason, a hint of sorrow is used for both the worst ending's final bosses. i think one of them should have been a sad violin solo, but that's just a nitpick. anyway, most of the music is mediocre, but there are a few exceptions: willful woods, stay frosty friend, showdown, ambient air, and both blended battles. anyway, for some reason, soul's theme is used a lot more than heart's theme. i guess it balances out that there are more "orchestral" (heart) tracks than "chiptune-techno" tracks.

story. i think it's super cool that the orbs you choose have an impact on the actual world. looking back, i prefer this game over soma union in basically every way. this game just feels better realized, even if it's so much less polished.