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Why so many people say the same "It take time to make a "quality" qame", dont you people understand that you're not helping Komisari by saying this? People developped entire game engine and started working on their own early access game with less time and money.

I dont know, explain what happen, why he take time, what he is making, by using things said and shown on other media. If you want to defend someone just saying "all the people that think differently are wrong" is not going to help anyone.


the message I am trying to get across is that if you want quality then quality will take time. People are rushing him and giving him shit despite the fact that he’s making this entire game as a solo dev. And I never said people that think differently are wrong. I said that the people who are harassing him are dickheads. So why don’t you shut the fuck up and stop trying to prove a pathetic point.


"So why don’t you shut the fuck up and stop trying to prove a pathetic point."

That's the only thing you will get across people. The only things people will remember is you throwing a tantrum when someone talk to you politely and ask you to stop making it worst for everyone here.

Being toxic was never and will never be considered defending anyone or anythings. The only result people like you get is giving people who hate on Komisari more argument.