Hello! I just started playing Insignia and I'm at the part where you need to fix the bridge and cross a bunch of paths using spiders that have arrows on their backs. Anyways, I just saved manually via the menu and quit, and when I was sent back to the title screen it looked like this. I'm on a Macbook (2019) running Monterey 12.5.1 fwiw. I'm assuming that this isn't normal since it's really hard to read the text.
Update: I completed the demo and really enjoyed it! Like others have mentioned, the librarian fight was great, and the spiders were a little difficult, but the overall game seems pretty polished. I know you've been updating the game and that this version is really outdated, but I like what you had done at this point. I remember a video on your channel where you mentioned that you updated the character portraits, and I'm glad that you did. The ones in this demo made the eyes seem a little too big in my opinion. Fwiw, the title screen issue that I mentioned popped up again once I beat the demo. I'm looking forward to seeing more on your Youtube/Twitch channels!