Nice new Nibbler variant. The game plays really fresh and good. Only thing i wondered a little bit was, that the speed-increase from Level 2 to Level 3 is really dramatic. In Level 3, the snake suddenly is more than double as fast, as it was in Level 2, which makes this Level not so easy to solve, because of control-problems, not because of the difficulty of this level. Maybe a slightly slower increase in the snake speed from level to level would be better playable here?
And then, I was surprised that the player can stop at certain corners of the game, so that he then has enough time, to think about the next step. This stopping-time, that the player can take here, could (and should) be limited, for example in a way, that the snake continues moving after around 2 or 3 seconds, because otherwise the player can make good use of this thing by constantly stopping in corners and then thinking longer, where to go now and this actually shouldn't be possible in a Nibbler game, i think (at least his is not possible in the original Arcade version). So I would change a few little things, then it's a really good new Nibbler variant for the C64.
By the way, i think the game should not only be tagged as "Game for Windows" (over an emulator) here in, but additionally also as a C64 game (what it actually is). Otherwise C64-fans could easily overlook it and C64-fans are not so few in the meantime, since this retro-computer is experiencing something like a second spring, with all its new software-releases, that are constantly coming out for it.