Hey CryptRat,
That was a pretty nice surprise :) I loved the colors and the combat mechanics, I felt almost at home with titles like Shining Force <3 . Nice and suitable sounds as well.
The game is lovingly complex and has a great charm and cartoonish style between the worlds. Loved the tile animation all over, what a nice touch! I scared in a good way when the map changed to dream world and music stopped, loved it :)
Regarding the maps and initial information, I got overwhelmed at start because of the amount of detail. Had to read a couple of times to get what's going on.
On my 1366x768 laptop I found out that your calligraphy font is getting stretched and some lines are getting missed, which makes it a bit difficult to read. You might want to check that resolution and play with the font a bit :)
Overall, a pretty good entry, I played through it a couple times.