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Issues I had while playing:

- Jump attacks don't seem to have working hitboxes (both versions of the neutral jump attack can't hit at all, and the downwards jump attack can't hit rocks but works on enemies)

- Lise sometimes responds to every interaction with "-1" (possibly something to do with the gift system? It happened the first time I tried giving her something)

- If charmed, Slimes maintain their movement speed after turning into trampolines (this means they move more slowly than they do if killed normally, which is annoying)

- Ira can be beaten without first picking up Liber (not a bug, but an immersion issue. IMO she should either be blocked off before you get Liber or have a special win animation if you beat her without it)

- Charm is slightly underexplained (just add "Uses 1/3 of your Heart meter" to the charm tooltip so people know what the meter is for)

Also, does Ira have any animations for when she hits you, or is the victory animation the only one she has?


Thank you for the feedback!

Jump attacks are a work in progress, at the moment jump attacks have little to no use, but the animation/hitboxes will be fixed once they do. 
As for Ira, at the moment the victory animation is the only one, however I have something in the works for when the player loses to her. 
Thank you for playing! ♥