I really enjoyed it. Great setting, and great voice acting; I was engaged right up to the end.
I encountered three major bugs:
- Probably due to me using an ultrawide monitor, I could not exit out of the brewing menu, it was clear that stuff was clipped off-screen. I would have to save and exit the game (reloading a save was not enough)
- Every time I died in combat, the game looked like it soft-locked. It would say I died, and I couldn’t do anything to Alt-Tab and kill the game. Maybe there was UI at the bottom?
- After I died to the beast, I could no longer fight it. It would tell me I needed to go to the Oak Tree, but the Oak Tree dialog would not trigger again, so I was soft locked.
Regardless, I really enjoyed my time with this one. I chuckled when I entered one of the houses in my other form and the residents were like, “Hi Clara”
Good stuff