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(2 edits) (+3)

V-nought (or Henrik)

Skills & Engines
I do the code thing and have for more moons than I can count. My background is in data science and web development, and I revel in the low-level nitty gritty of physics engines, AI and shaders (though I'm still figuring those out).

I can help anyone with any of those concepts, or with almost any programming at all, but I'm most familiar with:

  • C/C++ (SDL, SFML, Cocos2d-x)
  • C# (Unity)
  • Lua (Love2D)
  • JS (Unity,
  • Python (PyGame)
  • PHP (if you fancy a web-game or are a masochist, or both)

Reach me anytime at (by email or skype), on Twitter (@vnought) or via bat signal.

Need a teammate?
My plan was to do this solo, using Love2D, so I can practice art and music-making, but I'm willing to team up as either a programmer or [novice] pixel artist/musician, but only under the following conditions (sorry for being picky!):

  • (Only if I'm a programmer) You aren't using an engine (Unity, RPGMaker, Unreal, Construct, etc.)
  • (Only as an artist/musician) Your art/music requirements are within my skill level.
  • You're not doing an MMO, MOBA or visual novel.
  • Not a requirement, but extra points if you're using Rust to code your game! I would love to get to know this language better.