Ahhh you had to tease those derelict chambers!? The art here is amazing. Harold and Marsha are so adorable. I know this is selfish, but please, please complete these assets (along with Lucius and Therese), get them out of the way in time for next year, then just rock out a complete, full length jam game! Running around with these awesome little characters is so fun, we need more!!
Okay, so gameplay wise I do think a few tiny things could have improved the experience, short as it was. Basically a little feedback on the puzzle switches. The total lack of sound made things feel weird. The final puzzle of the last room I couldn't quite figure out if I had missed something earlier. A simple "wrong" buzzer when I picked the wrong sequence of suns would have clued me in and saved a lot of backtracking.
Since it was such a big room with a lot of different mini-puzzles, I wasn't always sure that I had actually solved the prior one. Having either separate rooms, or having blocks preventing access to the previous part until you've solved the current puzzle would have helped orient me as a player. Still, didn't take too long to figure out, and was a fun ride for what it was.