Informative. 👍
It's good that you are motivated:) The only thing I would correct is the grammar (if you care at all, of course). I can't recommend using Google translate. It makes too many mistakes. You might want to try a plugin called "Grammarly". It has a free version.
And yes, I participated in the jam too. I'm playing the games others submitted, but there are so many...
OK, I wouldn’t use a translator anyway, I prefer getting proofread by people. I didn’t try Grammarly and I admit that my main concern is idiomatic sentences and false friends with French, where I do a lot of mistakes in my drafts; but it seems that Grammarly also covers that, so it could help.
If you have specific bad sentences in mind, you can post them here. If you don’t remember, don’t worry, I still have that writing group on Nanoreno Discord that I forgot to contact after releasing the game.