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love the new update. those purple orbs always confused me and your explanation cleared it up. When i would see them i would get flashbacks to other runs ended by them so i would try for minutes to find a way around those devastating spheres. An item to deal with them would be much appreciated, like a jar you could contain them in and off load it into a power station.

:D I have a few ideas already on my todo list:
1. devices that would allow grabbing them without the health drain (or making it much smaller).
2. weapons that could be used to turn purple orbs into blue ones (these weapons would also have other uses).
3. devices that would let you control such an orb and push it into an enemy (or just away from you).
4. robots that you could pick up that when held, would suck purple orb in and you could either use a station or consume it directly from the robot.