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Gotta say, you got some great visual effects and scenes here. Even the exit game has the background fade to black before closing, which is a pretty cool detail. The music ain't bad, either.

Personally, I think the text speed feels a bit too slow, especially with all the pauses mid-dialogue, even with the text speed set to 10. Setting the text speed to instant, however, causes some text to be instantly skipped before I can read it.

Story-wise, it felt like there was a lot of exposition which didn't quite make any sense to me. Understandably it's due to time constraints, but I think perhaps some of the exposition could have been cut instead of the following scenes? As it is now, I don't really see the link between Harold at the ascent and the preceding events. The scenes with Harold at the toilet and in heaven were pretty funny, though.

Overall, I think this game has a lot of potential. Would definitely like to give it another try if you decide to keep working on it and finish it.