45 minutes in, and I'm 2% of the way. Cost scaling seems to exceed the tool leveling bonus, so there's a perpetual decrease in efficacy over time - the rate of success is going to continue to go up, but increasingly slower, and at three quarters of an hour in it's already at a crawl. I'm expecting it will take over a solid day of playing to complete this game, and there don't appear to be any unlocks or surprises to discover, so my motivation to continue is low.
Doesn't run when the window isn't active, so I'm looking at ~20-30 hours of active screentime to get to the end. Maybe using the system clock to sync time would be better? That would allow the user to close it down and come back later.
Music and concept are solid. Display and UI positioning are mostly good - the idols being auto-smashed looks glitchy and distracting once a couple of tools are bought and the rate of destruction exceeds a few idols a second.