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Less wandering around endlessly while unsure if you've activated all the currently available content or not, please. I don't know about implementation, it just kinda sucks to not know when you're done.

Doggy style hair pull. Shift screen so that all the icons no longer block her face in that position.

High tech skin upgrade for arms, please. The elbows really stand out. With or without that, glove type items would also be nice to see. 

Some sort of extension to torso-wear in general, but specifically, going walking in cold weather in the city in just a T-shirt stands out. I also think she'd just look good in a punk jacket, though.

Would be nice to have more hints about what the differences between different types of food are, like flavour text after eating it. I was also unable to experiment my way into figuring out how to maximize pleasure from clicking + movement, but I suspect that was at least partially due to playing on mute and missing cues.

Cute non-sexual interaction scenes. Headpatting is very nice, but sometimes you just want to give your cute girlfriendbot a hug or a kiss, or get a cg of cuddling each other to sleep. Gotta lean into that itchy wholesome feeling that threatens to fill the void in your heart.

Lastly, and a pretty important one, is that I'd like to see more visible improvements to Anon's living situation as the game goes on. The bleak apartment at the beginning suits the dystopian setting and Anon's mindset at the time, but the role of Jun is to shine light into that bleakness and turn things around for him. A brighter, cleaner, more welcoming environment: step by step.