Absolutely. Originally, it was very easy to get the striptease but super difficult to get the sex scene. And a lot of people then didn't know how there even was a sex scene. Now, the striptease is in the odd sweet spot that is very hard to unlock. Anyway, here's how.
To unlock the striptease with Nick (as of Build 0.10b): You need to have a relationship score with him of 20 or 25, and a not so great score with Mayhew. To get that, pick "Resist" at the end of Chapter 3, then in chapters 5 and 6...
Pick "Why Me" or "Make an Appointment" at opening of Ch 5 (0 points);
then "Act Normal" or "Self-Deprecating" joke (+10);
"Avoid the conversation" (0 points);
"reject the feeling";
invite him to use the spare bed (+10 points).
That should keep the score with Mayhew low and get you 20 points with Nick to unlock the striptease.