Step by step instructions for playing Termina on Mac
- Go to and download the appropriate version for your Mac (4.4.3 for MacOS 10.15 and above and 4.3.3 for MacOS before 10.15
- Move it to your applications folder
- Download Termina off of, NOT Steam. Steam will not let you install it on Mac.
- Click on your Termina zip file and expand it so you can see Game.exe
- Open PlayOnMac
- Click on “install a program” on the left hand side
- Click on “install a non listed program” at the bottom of the screen
- Hit next on the next three windows that pop up
- When it asks “what would you like to do”, choose install a program in a new virtual drive and hit next
- Type a name for your applications virtual drive
- Don’t click anything on the next screen, just hit next
- Choose 64 bits Windows installation on the next screen
- Wait until it’s done loading, and then browse your computer for your Termina game.exe file
- Click open
- Hit next
- Termina should open and run just fine!!
- Hit next
- Choose a file for PlayOnMac to make a shortcut (wmplayer.exe)
- Choose a shortcut name for wmplayer.exe
- Play the game!