Currently sobbing ugly crying screaming kicking the air and ugly crying again and giggling while wiping my tears away with a blanket. That was way too good. How you described the dreams- oh gosh it was heartbreaking. Like I could litteraly feel my heart shatter into pieces, every.single.time. How is your writing so good ?? Are you some sort of god ?? I'm convinced you are. I've fallen in love with all three of your game, and now I'm patiently for more content because I'm addicted.
Spoilers ahead :
The true pacifist ending ?? Hello ?? It was so wholesome !!! I've never cried so much in my life, when we got to see Toriel, basically everyone all happy and shit, I lost it- I was screaming in my pillow like an absolute freak :") But everything just felt so perfect, from beginning to end, I don't think I'll ever be able to recover from such a masterpiece. Thank you, very much. Your stories are brightening my days <333
Ps: when see undyne n alphys n marriage :(
Pss: srry it was a joke dont pressure urself to do anything you're probably already working like crazy and I'm very grateful for all the content you are feeding us :))
OK this comment is getting rlly long but I also noticed a lil something with a dialogue. When we meet Toriel again (true pacifist) she's briefly described by the player (the eyes etc) and we can see a part of the code. Hope it helps :"))