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my biggest gripe isn't the chatGPT subscription. its fairly straightforward and isn't very expensive. the azure subscription is much more difficult to setup. if they add text-to-speech into the game that would be much better.

i know, but i have a gripe on the chatGBT because to make a new gmail or mail needs a phone number and to sign up to the chatgpt u also need a phnoe number so yeah thats why it bothers me because i have no more phone numbers and i dont want to pay for a demo that will get updated and maybe will get a way to make it free...  


but i have another question: when you pay do you get to put how much money to you want to spend so you know how much is the play limit? or it just spends money as you play?

(1 edit)

you can set a limit. ive played quite a bit and my bill stands at $5.02

you have $5 free credit to start with. but you do pay as you go. if you reach your set limit it  will just stop working tho. so i  owe 2 cents rn.

can you only play with dollars or even with euro?