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Great entry! I did encounter some issues however which then also stopped me from playing through the game unfortunately.

First bug I encountered was by loading during having cooldown on my spear. The Cooldown will then get stuck, even in the loaded game. Once you restart the game, it fixes the bug.

The more severe issue was invisible walls. If I load the game I get invisible walls which I cannot pass anymore. There is this huge underwater room with the key at the top. You enter the room by jumping into a tile in the center of the room and going down. and then forward. However that was not possible anymore after reloading. I then replayed the game to the same point and it worked again. I saved, but died at a point later, reloaded, and now had a different invisible wall I couldnt pass. So basically load/save wasn't possible for me as it broke the game.


I am almost certain that invisible walls appear (after reloading) only either where an enemy died or where a dead enemy appeared. Therefore I completed the game by saving only at points where I would not have to go back (starting with the first big underwater section I'd say there are 3 big sequences and I saved between those), I think if you really want to get to the end right now it's possible this way (and yes the game is totally amazing).


Ah, alright! Yeah, now I see and understand your previous comment. Thanks! Will give it another try and try to avoid saving with dead enemies infront of me.

Hey @Kordanor, many thanks for playing our game. You're right, there seems to be a window where the cooldown mechanic locks up, thanks for pointing that out to us.

Sorry about the invisible walls bug, it was due to dead enemies leaving their tile blocked on reload after save. This caught a lot people out and was actually working until close to the end of the jam where we decided to try to remove dead enemy graphics, instead of just leaving them there, and we missed out a line of code to clear the tile (so annoying but mistakes are easy to make). This was our first attempt at a Load/Save feature and we did it because the game play was easily over an hour and we didn't want people to have to restart from the beginning each time. We've learned a lot about what works, and what doesn't work, doing this jam, which is great for our game development journey.

If you do get stuck again, and you're playing on Windows, we can edit your game save to fix it for you so you can continue. Feel free to DM @Arlorean on Discord for this.

We've already fixed this, and many other things pointed out to us (by people reviewing the game), for a post-jam update. Hopefully we might even go on to make a commercial version of this too (free Steam key for you of course Mr Judge😊).