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This looks and feels really neat to play, but there's not enought content for me to do a real review sadly, So I'll be owing this one.
I love the vibes of this tho, the contrast of the windy white and silent black are certainly an experience, I'd love a full game with this aesthetic.

Only real critiscism I have Is that the last jump after the second checkpoint Is a little too pixel perfect, to the point of coyote time being mandatory for it, wich is something you should mostly avoid on level design. (at least on the beggining of the game, jumps like that are fine if done on later challenges since the player will already be more confident with the controls and physics)

Heya! Thank you very much for the feedback. I'm not sure if I'll be finishing this project in the future, but I too like the contrast aesthetic I managed to bring out. I'll remember it for future projects and jams :D