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(1 edit)

Hi! I'm guessing all of this is homebrew content?

  • The race name itself should be imported no matter what, the converter reads the RACE field at the top of the first page 
  • Racial traits are read from the RACIAL TRAITS text of the second page. The format is as follows:
RACE NAME (+X Ability, +X Ability)

For example:

Bugbear (+2 Strength, +1 Dexterity)
Powerful Build: I count as one size larger when determining my carrying capacity and the weight I can push, drag, or lift.
Long-Limbed: I have an additional 5 feet reach with melee attacks that I make on my turn.
Surprise Attack: If I hit a surprised creature on my first turn in combat, that attack deals an extra 2d6 damage. I can do this only once per combat.

The race name and every trait with its description goes on a new line.

  • For other house rule changes, it highly depends on what exactly. Class features for example need to be added to the CLASS FEATURES text on the second page. Those are in this format:
Druid (Circle of the Moon), level 5:
◆ Druidic (Druid 1, PHB 66)
   I know Druidic; Hidden messages with it can only be understood by who know Druidic
◆ Spellcasting (Druid 1, PHB 66) [3 cantrips known]
   I can cast prepared druid cantrips/spells, using Wisdom as my spellcasting ability
   I can use a druidic focus as a spellcasting focus for my druid spells
   I can cast my prepared druid spells as rituals if they have the ritual tag

Those ◆ symbols are very important to mark where a feature begins. All text on the lines below that are the feature description.

  • The converter doesn't support wild shapes at this time as I'm not sure how to handle them. One way could be creating a separate actor for every wild shape creature, but I haven't looked into it yet due to the increased complexity. For now, your best bet is to create the custom wild shape creatures in Foundry and then dragging the beast onto your character sheet to perform the wild shape.

Hello @BlackDragonBE. Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with non-D&D things, and have been unable to game since this discussion, due to everyone in my gaming group being busy.

Yeah, that sounds like D&D! No worries, let me know if you encounter any issues when you get the chance to use the converter.