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(2 edits)

You shouldn't use () for actions use () only if you want 2 character it broke the fourth wall because you are using () it assume you are an other character you can use ** or <action>the action<action> you can also use <> for other things like <memory>describe what happened before, the context, yourself and/or the current situation<memory> you can make it think you are Jeff besos in an Isekai world <parameter>temporarily overwrite the parameter of chatgpt<parameter> you can change what chatgpt is but it does pretty much the same as memory it not used same way though exemple <memory>you are name in place with the user named name2<memory> <parameter>you are name you have to be cordial, positive, and not use inappropriate words<parameter>

oh. wait rlly? thanks for the insight. i just used () as the universal RP text.

I mean not really there aren't official command but it how chatgpt interpret it