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(2 edits)

mini devlog: LOTG2

the prototype is going great. my level loads from the file provided. here it is so far with clive's original sprites:

I'm using a BMP image for my level editor so this means people can create levels using only paint. Here is the level above for example:

I've zoomed it in photoshop so we can see whats going on. in my prototype above all the types of terrain are yellow, since i've not changed the sprites yet. so whats going on?

grid = ds_grid_create(1,1);
grid_size = 32;

I have a script that reads a bmp file and places it into a grid structure. it loads the bmp above and...

for (var i=0; i < ds_grid_width(grid); ++i)
    for (var j=0; j < ds_grid_height(grid); ++j)
        var thisgrid = grid[# i,j];
        //65535 yellow
        if(thisgrid = 65535) {        
            wall = instance_create(i*grid_size,j*grid_size,obj_wall);
            wall.type = 'yellow';

...loops through it, building the level.

I have some code in there for my little droid, but not game code yet, just level design, i'm short on time due to my main project. More soon.