this was really fun! i loved the different enemies/types and how you had to actually think about taking chances. the cooking system was also great with the ingredient points. the art was great, and the characters were lovable.
a few problems i've encountered so far:
- the bosses are unfair sometimes to the point of being unbeatable. if the boss summons the wheat, you can't deal any damage to the boss or kill the minions fast enough before another tank is summoned. if the boss summons the sugar skulls/bees, they buff so much that you can't focus on the boss.
- recipes at the start should be more simple, because sometimes the needed enemies don't spawn before the boss
- the amount of runs i've lost because i've failed the 95% chance to harvest the lowest tier for an ingredient and couldn't make food to heal/avoid starving is too high, should start at 100% on first turn of corpse spawn
- the map generation is weird sometimes, you often trigger aggro for 2 encounters and get absolutely demolished. also i spawned in a way where the only way to proceed was blocked by the ladder?
- watchermelons too op
- enemies should be weaker at start
- have a "wait turn" feature?
- somehow save progress (remember recipes, be able to start on highest unlocked floor) because you die often
but overall really fun! still playing through it, haven't gotten past the second level yet.