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Please, please, please, don't take what I said as an attack to your story! You asked me for my honest opinion so I gave it. I absolutely think you should NOT change  a thing about it. I'm a bit picky when it comes to AVN's that I read and that's my problem, not  the dev's that work so hard to make their great stories. My feedback was about my own personal taste and  nothing more. I feel like that by giving reader the option to not see those scene was very cool of  you. The only reason I mentioned those scenes and why I almost checked out was because those two are the very first lewd scenes you see in the AVN and you can't help but wonder if  that was going to be the trend of the whole game.  Honestly, that is a ME issue and no dev should ever change THEIR story just to please others. Like I said, once I got past those two, the story only got better and hotter! I honestly hope you didn't think I was saying you  should change something in your story because I absolutely would not. 


Absolutely didn't take your questions/responses as an attack. No i love having actual adult conversations about AE and AVN's with anyone who play AE. So please don't feel I'm offended. I've asked you how you feel about AE and then some and you've given me some great insight.
I'll be honest with you all, I've played AVN's where I felt that AE is way better in so many departments yet these AVN's seems to have way more support than AE. So i'm just at a loss as to why AE support after 2yrs isn't that high. I have been doing this for 5yrs now and realistically should have way more followers I believe. Obviously I'm wrong. Why I ask players what they like, don't like so I can improve without sacrificing my standards.