Days 9 & 10
I did the last stuff of the year! Let's recap:
Shop: It finally works! Now you can sell AND buy stuff. It's an awesome shop
You can sell your minerals to get credits, but to buy subsystems you'll need both credits and minerals. The credit price is fixed, but the minerals requested change on each session.
Subsystems: Lots of things that make you ship look cooler! You can double the extraction speed, move faster, detect enemy spaceships... They're expensive, but they're worth it. Also you can't win the game unless you have them all.
Lasers: YES! Everything's better with lasers.
You can use them to destroy other ships before they destroy you, and to break meteors. When a meteor breaks apart it spawns free resources, so go kapow with them!
Look how shiny they are. And they blink. Sometimes. Stupid bugs.
On a unrelated note, I keep pressing Escape instead of Space to close the shop menu and closing the game. Yep, I'm stupid.