In your scenario, it's not AI who is firing those people, right? Is a human at the top owning the company that decided to do that. That's what I meant by changing the way we run our society.
And no, AI will not be able to create a game from the scratch any time soon, and when it will (maybe long after we die) game development will be completely different, people may not need to code in the way we code, people may just talk to the machine on how the want their game to be, an actual game developer could be someone that knows how to get most out of this AI? Or someone who understand better how a game mechanics work behind the curtains?
And btw, wouldn't it be awesome to create a GTA-V like game effortlessly? If you stop to contemplate you already create way more complex games a lot easier than what we did 30 years ago that required a team of pro to get super mario working.