No you were not. Or actually, what you talked about is included in what I wrote. Itch is searchable by internet should you not know. There is no such thing as "restricted" page. If you can share a direct link without key or password necessary, google will find it. Or is there an additional button to not make game page visible for 3d party search engine?
And even if it wereso. how isthat any diffrent from a bad agent sharing a link to googledrive? The ydo not even scan big archieves.
You could construct scearious where you need akey to download it, so like make the pay very big so no one who accindentaly finds page buys it, and share link and key with your victims. But again, how is taht diffrent from sharing googledrive password protected archive.
I say again, your observation is trivial.
And on a side note from expericence with scam mails over the years i got, often the payload link is on small forum software or uploadabe usercontent there. But I have never seen payload on even remotely similar pages like itch. Why? Because itch does do remove bad agents i suspect.