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You're acting like I said I hate all of you guys, 100 percent of the people that like Tooth, which is not true. I said most, because realistically MOST of the people here are love addicts and or whiney twitter justice warriors. I was light heartly joking about the eat shit part, as it is an expression. I cannot do anything to refund the money and im closing the project, so they kinda threw money away.  So I said I couldn't do anything about it. The other parts, about hating furries and hating my audience is 100% not a joke and I stand by it fully. If thats why you guys are mad, then theres nothing I can do about it. If you want to cry about my opinion thats your fault, I didnt personally call out everyone, I called out some of the bad apples, if that offends you, then you're one of the bad apples. Its funny how yall read vns for 100s of hours but cant read a single post

Yes, I dont love Tooth, as I've explained in that post you're referring too, there's just so much that needs to be fixed before I can be proud of it. But that's not the reason I'm quitting. As I've also explained in another post in this comment section, I dont mind taking the time to actually fix everything when I have the time, but I cannot stand this fan base. Or most furries in general. There are too much cry babies and romance addicts. I'm tired of slaving away making content for people I hate. I cant hang with 90 percent of the people here

and also I wasnt saying how little it was to be rude or to be greedy, as of right now I cant even use that money without filling out tax shit so it doesnt matter. I just thought it was funny, because a while back I used to get people talking shit about the quality and saying for the donation money I should be better at what I do