oh dip, another new twine game for more code practice, huh? god, i can only wish for your terrifying motivation, darkpetal... nevertheless!!! i'm a bit sad i won't be able to check this out for a bit considering my work schedule, but still, thanks for all these gems in the UT fandom. you're a doll and with every game you come out with, i'm starting to get real tempted to get my ass in gear and finally write down my own UT au twine game for my own practice haha.
// oh and btw, just as a heads up, tried to check this out for a bit on mobile but it seems a bit incompatible so far considering the layout is a bit blockier by comparison to the other games. it also seems to have a similar lagging issue as some of the others had stated in previous comments.
// not that i expect a whole ass mobile layout on the get go, that's fine if there's none of that. i'll happily boot this up on my laptop. but yeah, i just wanted to get this out just in case so you knew.