So what is this? Genre mash up between racing and adult vn? Bold move. I wish you luck, you bascially have to make two games that work.
If you pull off a good racing game you will have wider audience by not being nsfw. And adult audience will not care for good racing game, they see it as a mini game; they want story and or the adult content.
But even with mediocre racing game, it might stand out among the plethora of adult kinetic novels, so it might work. I had a look. This is about the third actual racing game with adult content on itch. The first if you do not count bicycles and karts. And I do not count those five minute games at all, that are tagged adult and racing.
(Oh, and good, that you tagged indie, might not have noticed ;-) Seriously, there are 10k games on itch tagged as indie. What is up with that. )