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bro that "PAULA" thing was so cringe why'd you let kris pick her up and a human soul for HER? and so hard bosses and you unfortunatley pop up in underfell??? underfell papyrus is not that kind and silly he is the "EDGY TRASHBAG" that flowey said literally i downloaded this game to play like its UNDERTALE but its actually UNITALE bro that "HAPPY HAPPY VILLAGE" reminded me of peter griffin's meme song "happy happy happy" its so cringe that it took me 4-5 days to pass that happy happy village thingy its just boring and it is not even very related to any undertale AU's and surley its kind of cring and so many enemies with a long way AND there are no SAVE FILE's nearby its so annoying i even decided to give up but just for getting the fun of playing UNDERTALE i continued but i see its kind of boring 




sure bud


also why does susie look so bad when we met flowey at the starting THE BENT DOWN LOOK she looked cringe ngl


Oh no its a Karen that  never played earthbound

(1 edit) (-7)

well, you cannot call me karen INSTEAD you're just a lover of cringness and scratch beginner games


I am not a lover of cringeness and especially never scratch beginner games you dumb 10 year old that can't tell the difference between "your" and "you're" and if you hated the game sooooooo much why the hell did you even beat the game


well you just exposed your real age plus I am 16 you cannot call and criticize me as if I am telling you all of the words instead your fighting for no reason , and you know that I understood your even younger than 10 , your not 10 but your 7 , don't lie because my little sis does that, anybody cussing on her or fighting with my sis, she does is calls them "dumb" so I understand with your grammar that your nor 10 or older than 10 your actually 7 I know because they call everyone "dumb", please respect your elders kid, also "your" and "you're" I never used "you're" incorrect way I think you need glasses , surely your watching too much mobile plus you mom's gonna say "touch grass" to you, instead of watching mobile or some device you're using, just go and open your book start doing your homework that your teacher gave you to do kid, and remember.. never disrespect your elders


I have a little sister that's 7, and she cant even read, and if you're 16 then fix your grammar and be actually mature for your age, and deltatraveler is going to be related to other undertale AUs like underswap and underfell, it has already been planned out


bro you just edited it to "you're" lmao what a baby


that *you're

*You're 7

*you're not


now you're gonna edit it again and gonna say that I need glasses again and don't complain about mental problems you have go seek therapy I can't believe you're complaining that happy happy village reminded you of cringe (I know its cringe, but if I were you I won't complain)


yes sure I did edit that I think your sis does not goes to school how come she cannot read you punk you don't even know that 7 year olds can read that means you don't have a 7 year sis you nut head 


Actually, 7 years old can be illiterate. Most schools or kindergarten education tend to start at 5-7 years old depending on financially and environmentally. For example, if the family's is not well financed or is in an environment where common school years starts at 7 years old, it's okay because the acceptable age of school is 5-7 but is recommended at 5-6. Your welcome.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Remember, it is not your country we're talking about, it's theirs.

Edit follow-up: If it is false in his country, then might as-well be financially or maybe because the parents of the child is still figuring out a decision which seems easy but it's actually hard in your POV.


Also, you stated that if someone has a 7 year old sister who is illiterate, it means you don't have a sister? Illiteracy doesn't mean it is not a person or not exist its still a well human being. You need to rephrase your claims.


I do have a sis and don't literally fight, its just me and @VaRchery fight so get lost and i don't wanna talk or will even reply to your comments again

I mean they don't have a sis, sorry for the misunderstanding. (By they its @VaRchery and I respect that you don't want to reply to this reply again. Truly respect, have a great day!)


If you're going to criticize something, don't just point out the issues. These "issues" are either entirely coincidental or there's a reason for them. For example, because of how SAVE mechanics work, you can only have one area SAVE points go to, and the caves generally do not work for SAVE point locations.


don't jump in a middle of some other people's fight , im not criticizing the game but i am just telling a comment how that game was, it is a nice game but some things made me like "bro wtf" in that game, also i was doing a geno route but then paula got on my back and created a mess , after that i just couldn't win any fight with hat paula , i had to spare all the enemies , if they wouldn't have been so hard. i guess that i would have completed my route , so i was just considering that the enemies should be easy than being super-hard but that @VaRcherry just wanna fight. as having a 7 year old sister, i can say @VaRcherry is 7 years old, @VaRcherry is too young to play that game , so you better be quite instead of joining a fight like a narcissist. i hope you're not a narcissist.


Excuse me? my 7 year old sister can't even read (well she can a little bit but not much) and I am 14


are you sure your sis goes to school? and my about my Grammer, it is easy to use "your" instead of "you're" , your not a english teacher ,if my comment is bothering you, stop reading it and go to hell and burn with cringe if you really wanna fight so much go fight with your mom because I know your mom will hate you if she sees these comments your just being paranoid for a game, I wrote a review for that game but you had to fight, I think you desrespect your teachers that's why they slap you and that's the reason why you fight with people in comments


and you don't have a 7 year old sis your a little 7 year old boy who has a 2 year old sister that's why your telling "excuse me, my 7 year old sis can't read" that is the truth you've been lying for , may god guide you , you are so spoiled brat Dios mio


Awww dummy gone? narcissists dosent wanna fight? how did you spare me? 7 year old boy

(2 edits) (+1)

Paula joining you means you failed the genocide run at some point and are back on neutral. If you heard a happy-sounding jingle, it marks the point where it failed.
You may kill like in UT, but you need to hunt down every overworld enemy available like in DR. There's 3 times you need to kill each enemy, and they respawn when you exit and re-enter the room. This applies to both Section 1 and Section 2.
I feel like you may have failed on S2's Valley area, but it's just a guess.


can I know more how can I just do a geno route


For Section 1 you need to empty all encounters in the areas before you encounter Napstablook. For Blooky you need to do a certain ACT with Susie to continue, and once done you empty the rest of the encounters before entering Toriel’s guest bedroom. You know you’re done with Section 1 when an ominous message pops up and the music becomes gloomy. Kill Flowey and that’s it for S1.

For Section 2 the place you start off can be a long tolling one. You need to backtrack to hunt every enemy in the Valleys before you encounter the snake. This is an attempt to discourage your murders but if you succeed, you’ll get an ominous message and music change.

The Snake is free to kill now. Thankfully you only need to kill each enemy once by this point. Once you’re at the village you should still go to Paula. She won’t join you, but you’ll get the Franklin Badge so you can fight the cult leader yourself. When done with the leader, you now need to hunt every enemy in the cave before fighting Mondo Mole. Once past Mondo Mole, the genocide for S2 is fully locked in.


Thanks alot for helping


and how to do hard mode play


It's up to you to figure it out, or you can do a full pacifist route to directly get the answer. I've already given away enough info as it is.


Don't assume someone is some age just because you know someone who you *think* acts similar to them. Also, I'm pretty sure a 7 year old wouldn't be playing Deltatraveler in the first place, or even use that often, and it's even less likely that they'd actually have an account. Also, how does joining conversations make someone seem like an egotistical person?

Narcissist: Someone who has an excessive interest or admiration in oneself.

How does that have anything to do with joining conversations in a way that doesn't once reference that person?


thanks. i was just telling my experience of how i liked the game.


I'm gonna be honest here, I forget this particular comment existed because it is 97 days old.



bro the section 2 is inspired by EarthBound, a game that toby fox loved and made a lot of hackroms (mods) of it. Also, EarthBound is the major source of inspiration for Undertale. Happy happy vilage, paula ness and the rest of section 2 is from EarthBound. EarthBound / MOTHER 2 Translation Comparison: Happy Happy Village « Legends  of LocalizationStarmen.Net EarthBound Walkthrough: Happy Happy VillageEarthbound: How To Get The Franklin Badge – FandomSpot




Shut the actual fuck up you little motherfucker

Go jump off a fucking cliff you little bastard