If you look at the current version, you can see a great quality difference between the early scenes and the later scenes. If the early scenes get only half of that polish, the remake has added enough value to justify the wait.
I will admit that I have seen some disappointing remakes on itch, one in particular that barely improved animations, reduced content, and rewrote the characters to remove the clumsy-daring charm that made them so adorable and the story so intense in the first place. I have confidence that this remake will not be one of them.
Now, whether I'm right to trust Devil'sDad here or just being a naive fool, only time will tell. Either way, I'd suggest we reserve judgment of the rework's value for when we see it.
Also, guys, please don't downvote the guy for his opinion. The remake epidemic on itch VNs is real, and it's not unreasonable to be fed up with so many games you like being on remake hiatus for ages.