Thise debate has been ongoing since there were computer games. we gamers are sick of it. every year a new offended knowittall comes along, claiming killing in video games makes people violent and virtue signals on their blog, spreading hate to take down game companies that corrupt the youth. same thing as your bs argument about the adult stuff. adults do not like teletubbies. adults like stuff that kids are not allowed to do. like driving cars. going camping without supervision. staying up late. and of course catering to sexual interests, inlcuding playing lewd or violent games.
You do not understand concept of freedom. Here it means to let people do what they like, even if you do not like what they do.
Do not come to place for adults and preach they do wrong, because they do like adult stuff. And what triggers me especaially ,is your demonstrably wrong arguments. Find a study that crorelates violence, for instance rape, with popularity of certain video games, and manages to proof causation and not only correlation. Then we talk.
And like written elsewhere here, I think if you find causation it will be that violent people like to play violent games - if they play at all. It is interest based. There is nothing more to it. And I will have you know that there were serious attempts to proofe that those violent games do cause crimes. they failed to proof this for like 30+ years. This was debunked long ago, so do not rehash false arguments to impose your morals onto others.