Did you enjoy playing the game? Why or why not?
I enjoyed some of the view but not the gameplay since the colliders aren't optimized but I do like the idea of collecting fragments as a god who has to recollect his memories.
Did you find any parts of the game confusing or unclear?
It wasn't that confusing but starting the game I didn't know I had to press Enter so I just pressed random buttons until it exited to the room with the bed.
Were you able to find the two fragments? Was it hard or easy?
I don't think I was able to find the two fragments.
How long did it take you to complete the game? (How long did it take you to get the two fragments possible?)
Couldn't finish it since the Fragments were hard to find.But I do like the aspect of finding it by punching things like cars or moss.
Did you interact with the baby multiple times? How did that go?
I couldn't find the baby.
Did you explore the hub? Was it interesting to do so?
I explored the bathroom... Lol It was pretty funny sound effect.