I liked the concept - quite a creative direction to take the prompt. I think it could have done with a small tutorial or help page, as I had to work things out by trial and error and didn't quite understand how the breathing worked at first (e.g. on the first level, I thought the red square, where you need to place the animal to win, was red because it meant the wolf would detect it!)
I can see some potential for interesting puzzles with the idea, but the current levels are a bit too simple - there were usually only a few spaces not directly in the wolf's path.
I liked the graphics - isometric is a lot of work but it paid off I think!
I wish there a few more levels - it felt like I had only just started to understand the concept before it ended! It's a game jam though so it's understandable!
My game also featured a wolf haha - although we took very different directions!