1. I thought the game was neat. Exploration dense games aren't really my bag but I liked just how different the two maps were. The environments felt distinct as did navigating them.
2. The objective felt unclear. Like I understand the idea is your supposed to find fragments but it wasn't clear where fragments would be found. I found the one in the fog area by finding my way through the maze but I never found the one in the skyscraper map. I tried smashing a bunch of cars and I ran around as much of the map as I could find. I will however shout out that for the fog map I really liked when the setting changed as you got close to the end, it was really encouraging and exciting realizing I'd found the right track.
3/4. I think I spent 3 minutes or so running around the fog maze, I lucked into finding the correct path pretty early on. I then took maybe 15 minutes to run around the skyscraper map, but after I'd smashed everything I could find and checked out every building I sort of was at a loss for how to progress.
5. If you're talking about the statue yes? otherwise no.
6. I explored it a bit. I was a little sad that despite saying that the fragments would change stuff the hub area which felt like the perfect place to add changes didn't seem different. Not sure if I did it wrong or was looking in the wrong area.