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note: not all of these suggestions are a reflection of my personal preferences- but variety is the spice of life

the suggestions i have can be categorized into a few big categories- these being
- Major changes
-Major additions
-QOL (quality of life)
some of these suggestions will likely have been made before, however i feel i can add a bit more detail than some others have provided.

- These are mostly game mechanic suggestions, not really about sex positions or sex content in general.
Relationship: Depending on how you act, the players relationship with Jun (if i remember her name correctly) can lean either towards purely sexual or romantic/intimate. this could effect certain in-game dialog with Jun  among other things. For example- if your relationship with Jun is purely sexual she may act more unfeeling or uncaring outside of sex and act more lewd during sex, her expressions may be more lewd and some positions could be adjusted to reflect a more lewd mannerism. and on the opposite end- a more intimate or romantic relationship would lead to more lovey-dovey dialog, expressions could be more bashful or flustered and sex positions could be more romantic/subdued- as if there was a degree of uncertainty or nervousness, not about the sex itself but perhaps at what the player character may be thinking of her- this could be reflected in out of sex dialog where she worries more about what the player character thinks of her (With random dialog such as "do you like my hair" or "do my eyes like weird/ abnormal" and other such things where the player could respond with either a "i like it" or " i don't like it" which would sway the relationship in one way or the other)- as the relationship grows more and more intimate.

Orgasms: specifically with jun's orgasm- for one it seems a tad fast and it doesn't decrease with lack of stimulation over time.
it could be a nice addition to allow a player to 'edge' jun- letting them build up an orgasm and the longer it takes the more intense the climax, (Deeper blushing, heart eyes, tongue sticking out, etc) this could also give a bonus during streams- allowing the player to build up more viewers or subs or followers by causing an intense orgasm (and maybe there could be a 2x or 1.5x 'bonus' or something like that for having the player character and jun cum at roughly the same time- which could stack on top of the base 'points' for however intense and orgasm jun has_
this idea was had after i had to restart due to initially playing the game on browser than switching to the downloadable, this could allow old players who start a new game to get viewers and such faster based on their skill and experience with the game.

'unlockable positions': im not sure how else to phrase this but- essentially, depending on how much you do certain things (cum inside/cum outside, blowjob/vaginal/anal, kissing certain parts of her body, etc) you can unlock certain positions, such as- if you kiss her feet a lot you can unlock a position where either she steps on you like she teases in the dialog or it could just be a normal footjob. if you fondle her breasts a lot you could unlock a tit-job position- etc. this could add some more purpose to the 'statistics' given by jun- where she can make comments on certain actions ranging from "hm-looks like you really like my breasts~" to "are my legs really that attractive?" to simply being flustered about being head patted more than being actually fricked. reactions/commentary could change depending on relationship if you choose to add that suggestion. but i digress-

stores: there's a few ways to address this, one: get rid of the randomization entirely by presenting every option. Two: have the stock change to certain sets at certain times. or Three: psuedo random it- making sure a set amount of every type of item is generated so you don't have to go through 5 days trying to get a pair of sneakers- (or some combinations of the three)

these consist mostly of sex positions- gameplay additions and other such things
Positions: i feel like "i want such and such position" has been so overdone throughout the suggestions so i'll keep it short and really just summarize what other people have been saying
-cowgirl/reverse cowgirl

Positions+: this is the *hopefuly* interesting part-
i think the reason new positions are so sought after is because the positions we have are a bit bland- to fix this is suggest adding more interactions- more specifically and more relevant to this suggestion: being able to move the limbs, you could spread or close her legs in the missionary position- and if her legs are fully closed you could do a thigh-fuck- you could grab her arms and 'guide' them to certain places which could prompt her to interact with said thing- such as fondling herself. alternatively this could be done using a 'requests' option in the side menu- which could also be used to prompt certain movements- for example you could request she move her hips around which would cause he to start gyrating her hips or you could request she grind/hump- all of which would increase the rate at which the player and jun reach orgasm.

Interactions+: somewhat mentioned before- but hands and mouth don't have much they can really do- some basic things is adding something similar to the 'kissing' the mouth has to the hands and expanding on the 'kissing' options-
for example, if you click and drag with the mouth you could 'lick' across whatever area- which could prompt a physical response from jun- such as arching in response to the path of the lick (i.e, she archs slightly to the right- stretching her left side as you lick up/down across her left side) with hands you could rub across the body much like the lick- prompting different responses
with the mouth you could be allowed to nibble at the neck or ear of jun- suck on fingers and such- prompting whatever variety of reactions from her.
for the hands you could make it possible to close/open her eyes as well as her mouth- rub her thighs and hold her hand among other things.
another suggestion is: make the penis it's own thing, that way pulling out is easier and you can add more specific interactions with it- like rubbing it across her body or on her stomach- rubbing against pussy, etc. instead of having to pull out manually you can have the changing from vaginal and anal automatically cause the penis to pull out and switch- this is so that in 'penis mode' instead of having to switch between outside/inside stuff you can simply have it be a clickable where the dick will automatically 'rub' against things as it follows the mouse cursor without any mouse buttons having to be clicked and when you want to penetrate you simply click or hold click and go through the motions- or switch to the auto stuff by changing to hand or mouth or whatever else.
between this and positions+ i think this would reduce the "I WANT ____ POSITION" on their own, without having to actually add any positions.

Date interactions: possible sexual encounters during dates depending on whatever factors- sex in an empty movie theater room- blowjob from under the table in the restaurant- quickie in an alley when walking, etc. could contribute to or be dependent on the relationship w/ jun if you implement the relationship idea.

this is minor stuff just to add a bit of polish
more active animations: have her move around a bit in response to her current arousal and what is currently being done- doesn't have to be much but a little bit of shifting and tensing across her limbs (feet/toes curling and or hands clenching among other things) could add a bit more life.
more idles: having her be seen laying or sitting around at times when you're viewing your room could be refreshing
more faces: having a wider range of expression would definitely add some more life to both the game and jun herself

ofcourse- these are all just suggestions, im not a game dev so i don't really know the complications involved- but i hope they inspire you to some degree at the very least


finally someone with some god damn sense