Thanks for playing the game, sorry it crashed on you.
I’ve been hunting down bugs over the last few months, but as a solo dev it’s hard to catch them all. The screen you sent is part of the crash report in GB Studio and unfortunately, I can’t do much with it.
Could let me know which emulator you were using or perhaps you were playing in a browser or original hardware? If you could also let me know approximately where you were in the game, both pieces of information would help to fix the bug.
Playing on a Miyoo Mini Plus hardware running Gambatte (on OnionOS)
Near start of game. Got the wand and went down to the candle salesman. Tried to purchase without enough money then one screen down from that attempting to fight a mob. 3 mobs existed on screen. I killed one and the second one was clipping into me while fighting and I got this error.
Also killing a mob then entering menu seems to respawn that mob not sure if this is intended behaviour.
Amazing work in any case I'll be following this one closely.
On that exact same screen again just went straight there after starting a new game.