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It's been several days without an update, I have to write stuff and, fortunately, I bring positive news relating to the project

Making the visual novel in RPG Maker felt pretty good for the flexibility and speed of the development,  I've done several scenes of the story and did a couple of placeholders for other scenes still in development. There's still a lot of text and decision making still left to add but doing things in an engine I know well makes things much better. Thanks to Kanji the Grass for making the Visual Novel Style plugin. I can add visual novel classic stuff to the game thanks to this.

In technical terms, the development couldn't be going better. Next time I will progress enough to put 20% on the post.

A good part of this time was spent practicing my drawing as well, I've managed to make some improvements to make the characters look better than before. I think I've succeeded. If I hadn't taken the time to practice these days the final character designs would look like this: 

And instead, they will now look like this: 

If you consider that something was lost or downgraded please tell me so, I personally think it's an improvement but I could be wrong. Along the way it lost the always-surprised Desi's face, but I might add it as a reaction.
(There are more characters besides Sera and Desi, but I'm still redesigning them)

It's about time I started designing the final art for the game, I've done so many sketches and so many changes, I've come up with something that looks good to me. I hope myself and others will enjoy the final result.