Hey Sam!
Glad you're loving the new demo, as for the bugs:
If you the pure black and frozen state happened after you selected continue and haven't saved in Demo 3 yet, it likely tried to load an old save from Demo 2 then couldn't find the room to load and bugged out. I'm aware of the bug but haven't had time yet to fix it, it shouldn't happen as long as you either: haven't had a save of NiTL when you player OR have saved at least once in Demo 3.
One sided door: That's intentional, rooms reset after leaving. Bit of a troll, I know, but intentional.
About the scrolling on the map, that's intentional and also kind of an optical illusion of sorts because:
If you look at the grid, then yes it's inverted.
If you look at the map tiles, then it follows the input.
As for the save and elevator stations,
I plan on updating them to have an "charging" animation so players are aware things are happening, the actual delay is 1 second but it only counts down if you stay still. It's something I noticed over the weekend while I was presenting the game at the Cancer Society Games Fair in New Zealand.
There were some other bugs, one of which was game-breaking (resulted in not being able to shoot or drop bombs) but it's been fixed and the build got stealth updated about 20 hours ago with the fix and a couple others things. So if you run into that just redownload the demo.
Demo 3 isn't fully finished yet, but enough of it was there to make a release, planned are:
- Proper audio SFX
- Mid-Demo boss
- Final-Demo boss (will be located in the room where door to the Demo Completion leads to
- Some more enemy placement and health balancing
- Bug fixes
- Minor level design changes to give it a better level of polish
- Art improvements to the lava and water that looks like acid