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that being said I'll drop it here as this convo is taking up a lot of space but these circumstances have made me question whether or not I will continue playing this game at all as I said whether or not I play is of no real consequence to the dev as I'm not a paying customer and I'm not fond of devs who remove content to appease choosing beggars so I'll probably just utilize my own advice and just find another game and hope the next dev exercises better judgement and doesn't remove content from the public build just to appease an angry mob. I'll just leave my thoughts here and hopefully more rational minds will come to their own decisions on whether or not this project is an already sinking ship. I wish the dev the best and hope for the sake of those who like and support this project that he makes better and more rational decisions rather than a panicked response in the future...good luck...


Good luck, and let this go down as another bad experience

(2 edits) (-2)

I will. And I'm sorry if I came off as a bit harsh I'm the brutally honest type but some times that makes me come off as rude or unconstructive when in fact I'm doing my best to be constructive. I just hope the dev doesn't take this as me just being rude for the sake of it. But I can certainly understand if that is the case. That being said I really do hope the dev learns from this in some way and wish them all the best.