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(3 edits) (+3)

There is a mushroom spawner at the start (Weird stone stick). Hit it to spawn mushrooms, farm coins for 3 minutes and buy food. With the amount of content, that's enough to get through the whole game quickly.


I know that dildo like thing but I think that is temporary. And mofu has not added cheats in older games so I think he will not do it this time as well. 


Ok? Games not having cheats is common, if you want to check the CG in games, just use saves shared by people.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hentai games usually have cheats though. Not all games but a lot of games that require things like fighting farming and stuff.


But it doesn't need them, so, as MR-2 said, just use a shared save. Or play through the game. The game developer doesn't need to add cheats because some people want to skip through it.


The mushroom spawn point i think it will remain there. So that's basically a fountain of unlimited food and throwable weapons that melts every boss