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Hmm, there's been some updates to the game's files so the saving got changed a little bit.

When you extracted the game's .rar file, did you find a www folder with a save folder inside of that?  If not, there needs to be one.  I heard reports with Zombie's Retreat that some players were extracting the .rar and the www folder was not extracting with it.  I plan to make a change that should prevent that in the future but let me know if that was where the issue was occurring!

From what it looks like after extracting the .rar file a second time, that's exactly what happened.  When I go to disable autosave in options and just try to even get out of options without changing anything, this is the message that appears: UnknownError: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, mkdir 'C:\Users\User\Downloads\Town of Passion\Town of Passion - Beta 1.2.03\Town of Passion - Beta 1/2 (2).03\Town of Passion - Beta 1.2.03\www\save'.

I'm no programmer, but I hope you're able to make sense of that error message.  If it's able to help you fix something, I'll be glad I was able to assist in some small way.  Hope all goes well!


Hey I know you probably won't see my reply but when I download the game, I don't see a save file under www and my saves always disappear plz help me.