Thanks for playing! We got a bit hung up on some of the logic (which ended up more complex than we anticipated) and lost some time we could have spent on the conveyance of how the message scoring happened. Some better indication of why you are receiving points is some post-jam polish we’ll try to put in. Once you mix pipes, you are still able to deliver messages of any color within the pipe.
Scoring is based on number of messages delivered at the same time. The more things you connect, the more points you receive. Almost all blocks can be swapped if you have swaps remaining to help build pipes to the receivers. The unmovable tiles should spawn in the first or last column.
Lastly, I’m not sure what your question about “game time” is exactly aimed at. New pieces are generated based on clock time. Basing that on number of moves might be interesting – that thought honestly didn’t cross our minds.