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Completed with a whopping 285 deaths!

Solid game, had a lot of frustration at some points, but still had a lot of fun with the mechanics. Easy to understand, easy to pick up, extremely hard to master.

Some frustrations:

Sometimes bodies block your vision of where your character is, leading to some frustrating deaths.

Would be nice for a split second of invincibility on respawn, sometimes I felt frustrated when I respawned died again, since that death was out of my control.

Would appreciate an assist mode for people (like me) who need a little more help with games like these! Maybe more checkpoints enabled in the middle of the game.

Some clearer direction towards the end of the last room/level. It felt like I could go to certain "targets" in the corner of the room, but I kept dying and was supposed to go to a different "target."

Regardless, it's a great game, and even for using primitive shapes like you said, it still looks more aesthetically pleasing (at least more than mine :). High ratings.

Hahaha, I feel so sorry for you that you have to get through so many deaths. You are like the only other person other than myself that I know of that complete my game. You are like the champ man thanks for finishing the game. 

On the pointers you mention honestly there was supposed to be a normal mode and a hard mode so the one you played was the hard mode that why it was a quite the difficulty is amp up a lot. 

On the last room, I agree with you there is no clear direction with how to progress in this stage, which is a big problem, I think part of this is that all my friends didn't manage to reach the final stage so when I am balancing the stage there was no complain on the stage therefore the stage is a bit messy and confusing. This is something I may fix in future but regardless thanks for the feedback. 

On the shadow figure, it was kind of a last-minute addition to show how the player die for player feedback therefore I didn't make the shadow figure reduce opacity where the player overlaps it. If you realized actually the shadow figure has also a bug where it is move to the player's spawn so that kind of on me my bad.