You still come back on F95? Some discussion of the game's content is being discussed in there. Hoping for your insights and clarification for concerns in there. Been a long time since I've seen you commenting there.
People on F95 still updates the game whenever a new update gets released, moreover people still discuss things too. This series of thread posts have been interesting because no one seemed to question the contents of your game early as its really successful (to me at least, though there are stuff I don't like like others here). But because of dev's continued absence on the forums, no one seemed to bother asking for future plans and specifics regarding to some of the game's features. Enquiries and suggestions like this start to spout, and in need of answers. Even I didn't seem to think to ask those early on too, when you're still active. The fact people still update this game in there meant that there is still a sizable amount of players in there interested. But the dev seems just gone. I really recommend you come back in there.

If you please, answer this directly to F95.